Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings

The Mid-Continent Regional Science Association is pleased to offer Proceedings of our recent conferences. The manuscripts contained therein are the voluntary contributions of conference participants. In addition to posting the manuscripts on the MCRSA website, all are entered into multiple research exchange networks to enable internet search engines to easily find them. MCRSA will also accept participants’ PowerPoint presentations for posting on our website.

Those interested in contributing a manuscript to the Proceedings should send it electronically in Microsoft Word format to John Leatherman by September 1st following the conference. Be sure to include title, complete author information, abstract, and the “key words” you want tagged in your manuscript.

Those interested in submitting a presentation should send it in Acrobat PDF format.

MCRSA intends to make this an annual offering and will accept submissions from both regular registrants as well as student participants in the annual conference. It is one way we attempt to promote the work of our members and create greater value for their membership.