Hotel Accommodations and Reservations

Hotel Accommodations and Reservations

Holiday Inn Downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan

Hotel Highlights

Pets allowed Pets allowed
Pool Pool
Fitness center Fitness center
Wi-Fi included Wi-Fi included
Parking On-site Parking


MCRSA Surcharge for Participants Not Staying at the Conference Hotel to Booking Outside the Conference Block

Note that attendees who do not register for an overnight stay at the conference hotel, Holiday Inn Grand Rapids Downtown, or who book outside the conference room block, will incur an additional conference registration surcharge of $150. This surcharge does not apply to students or to attendees with a local business address, i.e. the Grand Rapids Area.

Make a reservation here

The reservation link should take you right to the MCRSA special rate.  If you are prompted for a code, you can use the Block MCRSA and the Block Code IMP.

Any questions can be directed to Jason Jolley.